Hire a 17Year PM Vendor/Supplier Superstar?

Would you know a multi family property management vendor/supplier sales company that would be interested in the candidate described below? Could you please forward/share this note…to those who you know in the multi family property management vendor/supplier industry who may/might be interested in the candidate below?

This candidate is a results-oriented executive with solid experience in developing, managing, driving and leading multiple market area employees to successfully implement, achieve, and exceed pricing, sales, and company goals. This sector leader has strong negotiation, communication, and interpersonal skills combined with sharp analytical perspective which helping to find the best possible solutions for the prospect while achieving/exceeding company objectives. This veteran has proven to be more than just capable and efficient with assigned tasks and is passionate about both the people and the multifamily industry. This superstar’s ability to see beyond the problem at hand and reach resolutions in a timely and professional manner makes for a trusted ally. This industry expert doesn’t always choose the path of least resistance; rather, seeks the paths that present long term solutions rather than quick fixes. This sector leader’s professionalism and polish are obvious combined with both a great attitude and initiative makes for a natural leader. Further, this candidate’s knowledge, drive and fortitude make this leader a vendor/supplier who is respected and admired throughout the multi-family sector. This sector veteran is a team player with extensive corporate contacts and accounts at the regional and national level.

Select Achievements
• Top National Sales performer in the company for 36 months. (2000-2003)
• Personally, sold, renewed and managed an extensive territory base while exceeding expectations averaging 300% in a three year period
• 2007 Regional revenue growth exceeded 2M year over year
• 2008 New product was launched which generated 3M for the region
• 2009 Production changes in frequency contributed an additional 2M to the National Brand

Professional Affiliations
• Certified with the Department of Real Estate (DRE) as an instructor for the Certified Apartment Management (CAM) courses
• Active member of multiple Apartment Associations
• 2004-2005 Sat on Board of Directors as President of the Product and Service Council


Interested in other multi familymulti family property management positions around the country?


And all of our candidates complete our proprietary pre-hire testing—that compares each candidate to a sales benchmark of the very best in the multi family property management industry.


If you are interested in the candidate above or would like to hire other multi family multi family property management leaders with 10+ years of industry experience—please send a quick E-mail to recruiter@powerhour.com

Thanks for your help~

Craig Simmons
VP of PowerHour


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Posted by Craig Simmons

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