One Million Paid By Property Owner In Jacksonville Woman’s Death

Wanted to share several more great posts below…packed with sound-and-smart tips and strategies for safe leasing tours.

Plus, just read the news article below…as a reminder that when rental housing properties are not safe for the residents and/or the leasing and management teams—the owners of the properties can be held liable…like in this Jacksonville story.

One Million Paid By Property Owner In Jacksonville Woman’s Death

As you read the posts/suggestions below…what else might you add to this list?

With a focus on safe leasing tours + preventative pre-tour steps/prep/training…keeping leasing agents safe—is critical to the success of our multi family property management industry.

To learn more about this topic and to read the news, trends and ideas being shared by PM leaders…join the discussion thread below~with 300+ posts.

Industry Knowledge, Crime Prevention & Security



[part one]


Thank you for posting this new article about protecting your property and residents from crime.

The article has great tips on the global items that we need to stay active doing everyday in our communities. We also need to remember that as Property Managers and Owners, it is our duty to show and use our leadership in the community and know what is going on. We are not just mere babysitters of a property. Many property owners and managers like having quiet residents “they moved in and I never heard from them again”. That scares me. This means that they don’t take the time to get to know the people and actively engage with them after they have moved in.

Some criminals pay their rent on time and are “good tenants” until something bad happens, so this is NOT a good indicator as to whether or not someone is a “bad egg” as the article mentioned. Furthermore the failure of any multi unit property owner who does not install the most simplest of video equipment in common areas is a passenger and unwilling to take responsibility for their property site. In this market, obtaining and installing video equipment is very very inexpensive. The article did not mention signage and the wording and symbols on the signs let people know what is happening at the property right away. This can be good or bad, so chose signage and placement wisely.

Finally, making annual inspections inside the units gives the owner and property manager control over entry to notice more than just Fire Life Safety issues. Many an indoor marijuana farm has been found on an annual FLS inspection. Be responsive to noise complaints. Do common area inspections daily. Be realistic- over 40 percent of our population in the U.S. is on some kind of substance ( whether it be drugs, alcohol or prescriptions) . Don’t make your residents think they live at Disney Land and that you as multi family property owners and managers can control everyone and everything. YOU CAN’T.

No matter how good your screening is and attention to detail there is always something going on. Explain to your residents that they are responsible to take precautions and that also means using our best communication skills to work with everyone at the property and in the community. Having intentional conversations and doing behaviors that reduce risk are essential to crime prevention success! ( if the owners and multi family property managers do not have a budget for FLS or short change safety measures, do you really want to work at that property?).

Posted by Adria Pulizzano

Your LinkedIn group owner/moderator
Patricia McLoughlin


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