For our live weekly PowerHour Leadership Academy members, on Tuesday, March 25th—we are going to be covering the key points below:
#1. Who are the change agents within your property management company? As the leader of your company, how do you instill this important principle across your portfolio assets and team members? How do you reward those on your team for their focus on better systems/tools/resources and price/fee reductions—that deliver/generate more profitability for your PM company?
#2. What are the 21 best ways to control expenses and create more profitability for your property management company? For this week…we are going to cover #13.
#3. Bonus sales point…from the book, SmartMatch Alliances ==>> Please read page 112-113.
Please listen to the audio leadership newsletter that is sent each Thursday~as prep.
We’re looking forward to seeing all of you on Tuesday—for our live weekly PowerHour Leadership Academy Open-Mic, with a continued focus on G.R.A.C.E. [Growing Revenue & Controlling Expenses].
Your PowerHour Leadership Academy Coaches,
Ernest and John