Purchase 400+ Single-Family Homes in Jacksonville Florida?

Would you know any potential buyers?
Our client would like to sell their portfolio of 400+ single-family homes in Jacksonville, Florida.

Much appreciated.
The Coach…and your LinkedIn group owner/moderator
President of PowerHour since 1995


The portfolio is exclusively prepared for our team and not on the market.

==>> 400+ single family homes
==>> All are Jacksonville Florida
==>> Most are 3 bedrooms and 1.5 baths
==>> Average square footage, 1223

Total yearly rent is $350,825 (month) x 12 = $4,209,936
Price, $31,422,046
Gross rental yield, 13.46%
Estimated net yield, 7.37% after all broker fees

This portfolio is mainly in the north west of the city of Jacksonville. Jacksonville metro area has about 1.4 million inhabitants. Jacksonville is its “urban” population of over 850,000 residents of Florida’s largest city and the south east of the United States, based on its population Jacksonville is the 12th largest city in the United States. Jacksonville is the last ten years one of the fastest growing cities in the United States. The local economy consists mainly of: services (banking, insurance and health care) and logistics. In addition, tourism (golf), the deep-sea port, and defense major economic factors for the city and region

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